◇ 第一類task 1的考題,
Describe the famous person you admire most. Explain why you admire this person. Include details and examples to support your response. (TOFEL ibt 08.06.22)
這是一個對人描述類的考題,我們拿到一個題目後,腦海中應該立刻浮現出最基本的答題框架: topic sentence + supporting ideas. Topic sentence是比較容易想的,甚至是可以虛構的,所以問題就落在supporting ideas的思路上。
如:humorous, open-minded, easy-going, warm-hearted, community-minded, high driven, visionary, knowledgeable…
如‘he’s a very open-minded person and he’s always flexible to changes. 同時我們還可以用舉例的方法來進行擴展,
如 ‘He’s a high-driven guy and he worked so hard on his Toefl test, study almost 24/7.’
◇ 第二類task 1 的考題:
Choose an object you like and explain why it is of special value to you. Please include specific examples and details in your explanation. (TOFEL ibt 08.02.24),
這道題屬於物品題,物品的題目也是一個常考點,但是準備的面比較廣,可能會出成:a type of pet (Longman p.52),a kind of game (Longman p.72),your important gift (Longman p.64),
咱們可以從兩個角度去答題:對物品本身的簡單描述 + 物品的來源或是重要意義,
如描述寵物可以說: ‘ coz he keeps me company, when I was sad, he was always by my side.’
又如描述禮物可以說: ‘ The psp was a gift from my Grandpa, it was a credit to my hard work on the SAT test.’
◇ 第三類task1 的考題:
If you could live abroad, where would you go? Explain why you would go there. (Longman p.42)。
地方題目也是常考題型,變換方式相對較少,比如有:the city you live (Longman p.31),a city you have always wanted to go (TOFEL ibt 08.02.02),your favorite place when you were a child (TOFEL ibt 08.03.08)等等。地點題的答題思路為:景色,飲食,高雅休閒場所,教育,就業機會。
如果說美國,景色可以描述national park, the beauty of nature well preserved, 飲食可以說dessert, I’ve got a sweet tooth, 如說高雅休閒場所,可以說Broadway, or NBA games,
教育可以談美國的大學,就業機會可以談美國的500 fortunes. 再比如如果講蘇州,景色可以說gardens,well preserved ancient building, 就業機會可以講講蘇州工業園,SIP,provides a lot of job and internship opportunities for graduates…
◇ 第四類常考的題目是event類:
來看一個例題:What is the most memorable event you experienced in your life? Explain why it is memorable. (Longman p.50),
類似的事件題的關鍵形容詞可以換為:embarrassing (Longman p.70), challenging (TOFEL ibt 07.03.03),disappointing (TOFEL ibt 08.03.30),hard (TOFEL ibt 08.06.17)等等。
較難的題可以出成:Describe a time when you needed help from others, how he or she helped you and what was the result? Please include details and examples to support your answer. (TOFEL ibt 07.04.29),
這類題目跟個人親身經歷有關,考場上容易一時沒有思路,也很難去杜撰,所以應在考前多去回憶童年往事,同時嘗試著用英文表達出來,假如實在無法勾起美好的回憶,那就去杜撰吧, 注意是考前練習時杜撰,千萬別到了考場上再去杜撰。
以上四類是托福口語task 1考察頻率最高的四大類,當然還有其他類別的一些考題,如工作職業類(這類主要是關於人生的目標,職業的選擇,工作的興趣等等),學校教育類,new skill you would like to learn (TOFEL ibt 08.01.19),文化娛樂類,這類題目涉及到文化、藝術、娛樂等生活中常見的題材。
比如:a book that you want to read again (Longman p.58),an important composition, example: essay, poem, letter (TOFEL ibt 08.05.17),a TV program that you really like to watch (Longman p.54),a type of music you like most (Longman p.56)等等,需要考生在考前花大量的時間去整理思路,只有做到有備無患,在能在考場上胸有成竹,口若懸河。
◇ 寫在前面的話:
感謝一個目前考了5次托福的朋友為這個帖子提供了思路,他也幫我驗證了這篇文章的準確性。另外昨天他讓我看了一個帖子後我感覺非常有必要把托福口語考察的方面與各位分享。本文內容參考了張涵的《托福口語看這本書就夠了》 經朋友證實,托福口語評分人為兩個人,每個人評價六道題,之後計算平均分。我們中國學生得不到高分並不是我們口語不夠好,而是因為我們的答案不對考官和評分者的口味。
托福口語分為2個部分,independent task,也就是常見的口語第一題和第二題(task 1,task 2),另外便是Integrated task,也就是常見的口語第三題到第六題,這其中又兩個系列,campus situation(task 3 & task 5)和academic lecture(task 4 & task 6)
Task 1 & Task 2 Familiar topic
Task 1
◇ 答題要點:
②建議用以下的方式Topic Sentence—Supporting Sentence—Example/details,也就是主題句+原因或者目的+細節的方式答題。
◇ 幾點注意事項:
◆ 以6.8口語小組的Task 1為例
Talk about the most memorable birthday you have ever had,explain why it is very memorable.
◇ 於是我們有了下面的答案:
Task 2
◇ 答題要點:
②這道題同樣只說一點就可以了,方式依然是採用Topic Sentence—Supporting Sentence—Example/details,也就是同意或者不同意+原因+具體例子。
◆ 以6.8的托福考試Task 2為例
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:Teenage at sixteen are not mature enough to drive a car. Please include details and examples in your explanation.
◇ 於是我們有了下面的答案。
Task 3 & Task 5 - Campus Situation
Task 3
也就是Campus situation,這題是托福口語的第一道綜合口語。也就是先閱讀材料,然後根據聽力回答。
◇ 答題要點:
◇ 注意事項:
以TPO 15 Task 3為例
Reading Part:
University should pave running trails
The university has about three miles of unpaved dirt running trails that pass through the forest near campus. I think there trails should be paved with cement. One reason for paving the trails would be to increase their safety. When it rains,the dirt turns to mud and becomes very slippery,so the runners who use them can slip and fall. Pavement would solve this problem. Also,paving would make the trails look nicer,which would encourage students to use them. Bumps in the trail would be smoothed out and weeds would be paved over,making the trail more attractive to runners. Sincerely, Sally Jacobs
◎ 拿到這道題首先是找5個點,
1)Proposal,pave the dirt trails
2)reason 1,make it safer
3)reason 2,make it nicer and attrack more runners
◎ 聽力中的兩個點
1)will make it not safe but hurt your bones and joints
2)will not attract more runners because student would like to enjoy the nature and get away from campus or city.
The proposal is university should pave the dirt trails with cement because by doing this,university can make the trail less slip and the runners won't be falling. And also,they are hoping the pavement will make the trails look better and attract more runners.
The man thinks this is a terrible idea. Speaking of the reason,he thinks that running on hard surface frequently will not make the runners safer,because being exposed to hard surface will actually lead to injuries and harm to bones or joints. Besides,it won't attract more runners because the pavement will make the trails just like any other sidewalk. Students like to run on the dirt trail since it makes them feel like getting away from cities and running in the nature.
Task 5
這道題也是campus situation的一道,也是綜合口語中最簡單的一道。主要是聽力材料+作答
◇ 答題要點:
1,也就是前面30S後面30 s
①平衡好答題時間 ②儘量用自己的話說
Task 4 & Task 6 - Academic Lecture
Task 4
Task 4是口語中最難得一道題,因為涉及到一個學術概念,聽力中教授用一個例子說明了這個概念。
◇ 答題要點:
①概念定義,用自己的話說明某個概念,技巧:看到諸如“this is known as”,“this is referred to as”,“this is called”,“people call this”,“people refer to this as”等類似表達的時候,此表達的前邊一句話,很可能便是閱讀中概念的定義句。
◎ 注意事項:
④如果聽力部分的例子中出現專有名詞(如植物名和動物名),可以用諸如a kind of plant和a kind of bird之類的短語表達,不會說專有名詞不會造成扣分
◆ 以下面這道題為例
Perceptual Constancy
How an object affects our senses depends in part on external conditions,and these conditions are always changing. An object viewed from one angle presents a different shape to our eyes than when viewed from another angle;similarly,as the distance from which we view an object changes,the object will appear larger or smaller. In spite of this,even as conditions change and we see objects differently,we still recognize that they remain the same. This is what is known as perceptual constancy. If not for perceptual constancy,we might have difficulty recognizing familiar objects if we viewed them in a new and different context.
◆ 你會聽到以下聽力內容:
http://bbs.gter.net/forum.php?mod=attachment&aid=MjE4OTkwfGE5MWMwYTAyfDEzNzk1MDgxNzF8MzQ1MjcyMnwxNTk2MDkz] Speaking_Q4.MP3
從This is what is known as perceptual constancy.我們知道前面一句話就是Perceptual constancy的定義,even as conditions change and we see objects differently,we still recognize that they remain the same
◆ 例子中教授舉了兩個例子
1)kitchen plate角度不同,一個circle,一個oval
1)The first example shows that the shape of the plate changes,but because of the concept of perceptual constancy,we don‘t think we have two plates
2)The second example shows that although the professor seems to have different sizes in the two situations,again,because of perceptual constancy,we know he‘s the same person.
於是我們有了下面的答案: http://bbs.gter.net/forum.php?mod=attachment&aid=MjE4OTk4fGM3N2M2ZGJhfDEzNzk1MDgxNzF8MzQ1MjcyMnwxNTk2MDkz]Task 4 Sample.mp3
Task 6 - Academic Lecture
◎ 目前托福口語Task 6的幾種考法
◇ 答題要點:
◆ 注意事項:
②如果聽力部分的例子中出現專有名詞(如植物名和動物名),可以使用諸如a kind of plant和a kind of bird之類的短語表達
下面以TPO 2 Task 6為例
聽力內容: http://bbs.gter.net/forum.php?mod=attachment&aid=MjE4OTk5fDRhYzVhY2MzfDEzNzk1MDgxNzF8MzQ1MjcyMnwxNTk2MDkz]Speaking_Q6.MP3
◆ 聽完內容後會注意到以下5個點
1.The professor is discussing two different definitions of money.
2.A broad definition of money is anything that can be used to make purchases with.
3.For example,people might give a taxi driver coins or bills,or even vegetables for a ride.
4.A narrower definition of money is something that must be accepted as payment,legal tender.
5.For example,a taxi driver must accept coins and bills,but he does not have to accept vegetables,because vegetables are not legal tender in the U.S.
◇ 於是我們有了以下答案:
The professor is talking about two different definitions of money. A broad definition of money is anything that can be used to make purchases with. For example,people might give a taxi driver coins or bills for a ride. If they don‘t have coins or bills,they may even use vegetables as a form of money to purchase the service,I mean,the ride. A narrower definition of money is something that must be accepted as payment,in a more formal way,legal tender. For example,a taxi driver must accept coins and bills because they are legal tender in the U.S.,however,he does not have to accept vegetables,because he is not required by the law to do this.